Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Christ's Church

"He is also head of the body, the church..." Colossians 1:18a

This weekend Lacey and I visited her sister Heidi and brother-in-law Brad who live in the suburbs of Philadelphia. God worked things out so we could stay through Sunday afternoon and go to Grace Bible Church of Philadelphia (Brad and Heidi's church).

At this church I saw many things that God desires in HIS local churches - here are a few of them:

1) Humble but confident leadership

2) A senior elder who's older than the lead pastor but still takes notes on the sermon

3) Young men who are mentored by the elders with intensity

4) Gospel-focused preaching and teaching

5) Young couples who desire to learn and grow together

6) Openness and authenticity - no pretenses/veils

Now, I'm not saying that I saw the perfect church by any means. The local church will not be perfect until Christ returns a second time... however, I did see a local church that is actively pursuing God's Will. The experience really moved me...

I've never broken down in the middle of a sermon before. Ever.

But this Sunday I broke down right in the middle of the sermon and couldn't stop... I actually had to leave the building and find an empty lot with some steps to just finish up my sob-fest...Why?

Because I used to hate the local church. Satan used bad experiences to keep me from loving the very thing I've been called to. But over the past three years, God's been teaching me exactly what Colossians 1:18 is talking about when it says that Christ is the head of the Church - it is powerful because of CHRIST!!!

For reference, here is the link to Grace Bible Church of Philadelphia.


Anonymous said...

True that. It's real. The church is real and it is really really needed. Don't let the enemy ever convince you otherwise! Go forward out of this. :)

Anonymous said...

Next time people in the church disappoint you or hurt you, remember that Jesus is "not ashamed to call them brothers."

If Jesus is not ashamed, how can any of us be ashamed of our brother? Saddened? Yes. Ashamed? No.


Maria said...

Praise. The. Lord. I hear you, I've been there, and I'm so glad God has spoken directly into your heart - even more glad that you are responding in humility. Woo-hoo!!!

John R. said...

He's still working out the spots and wrinkles. But to love Christ means to love what Christ loves.

Good post.